A blog for blogs on programming and research

Hi, I will be sharing here some links and cool things

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Welcome to snapp100days

this is where I will be posting blogs for the next 100 days

Day 1

19th april 2020

  1. history of webassembly
  2. android webview 101 check this youtube video
  3. analog linux iio to read from ADC
  4. what’s new in chrome 81 another video
  5. interact with NFC from the web
  6. ndef for dummies a new file format
  7. pubg on pixelbook because its a new platform

Day 2

20th april 2020

  1. a library in python to interface R307 fingerprint sensor pyfingerprint
  2. You may need to run processes in your python based application to get work done use this
  3. to add arguments to processes, more docs and some example on that

Day 3

24th april 2020

  1. using python trees and recursion with computerphyle, did my own edits too
  2. leetcode problems
  3. docker tutorial

Day 4

May 3rd 2020

  1. found this cool paper which Luca DellAnna talks about, using humain brain cortex model to derive context from pattern maching and lot more for the data available, clickhere
  2. revolution was some thing that was trending in 2015 gpgpu library for raspberrypi
  3. decided to work on some dapps because that is what one twitter follower suggest so started reading about that a blog on dapps with examples
  4. found this interesting software to scale images to 4k using DLNN Waifu2x isa awesome
  5. answered some stack overflow question and that peeked my interest in pandas again check here

Day 5

May 5th 2020

  1. sqlite database to flask using SLQAlchemy is cool and uses so less space
  2. converting a html page to flask compatible html is difficult
  3. IEX cloud python SDK for free tier is garbage, paid works better
  4. other HTML pages in flask are kept in templates folder, while in JS its kept in assets
  5. startnig from scratch makes you cover more ground than using premade code if you are not sure about it refer, buying program is not a good choice
  6. make a web scraper that screens off, HTML, assets, JS all in one program
  7. cookiecutter can be used to create a python package
  8. bootstrap makes basic HTML cool
  9. deploying a python app to AWS seems easy
  10. pyqt5 can be used to browse websites check this video

Day 4

May 8th 2020

  1. i added my LoginManger before from app import routes, models and it worked. If you want to have some route to something then it has to be there before you create a LoginManager
  2. While copying code always look at the minutest bits
  3. this code gave me lot of headache, I had done a typo when I was writing this join code where I added join to the same coloumn i.e.
#both join to follower_id
primaryjoin=(followers.c.follower_id == id),
secondaryjoin=(followers.c.follower_id == id)

#instead of the correct version given below where both have 
#different names, follower_id and followed_id
primaryjoin=(followers.c.follower_id == id),
secondaryjoin=(followers.c.followed_id == id),
  1. the way this tutorial is coded and brought to life, virtual graphics never stop amazing me

Day 5

May 11th 2020

  1. version control is very important for software development, GIT is the most widely used version control method. This Stanford document covers all the basics and working of GIT
  2. a purpose build software intelligence platform for enterprise cloud
  3. automate simple tasks on android phone using this cool app
  4. an open source software for OCR, guide by NYU
  5. alternate firmware for configuration for ESP8266 based devices with options for webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. check this github link

Day 6

May 22th 2020

  1. Learnt how to make a desktop shortcut of any application on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using this link gtk is cool!
  2. Learnt installing anything on Ubuntu or linux is better to use a terminal based package manager like apt-get or snap to install developer tools eg. pycharm
  3. It is possible to use a physical device to be used for developement of an app, to build and debug an android app by using adb wifi plugin to android studio
  4. Have to try flutter to build a simple app, also have to check how to remove that error on pyfingerprint module, have to try more examples of node-red, have to study this and understand how to use raspberrypi cluster for understanding cloud and deploying servers on it, have to find a way to send raspberrypi data over internet to a developement server I choose 🤔
  5. Here is a java based demo to create fractals using Ray-marching check this link


    I have been busy with understanding graphics created with best way to utilize best methods like Ray Marching, understood why computation is cheap but fetching bytes from DRAM is expensive in terms of energy for GPUs, having fun looking at fractals, also trying to understand if we can make raspberry pi 4 cluster and deploy a web server on it over a kubernetes layer, in the day was busy setting up the LAMP stack using mysql-server , pycharm-community , android studio using IntelliJ IDEA

Day 7

May 24th 2020

what if its possible to create a bot(a twitter bot preferably) to which you can tag some image(like some qr code or link to something) which then converts that image into a fractal image and sends it you, this said fractal image will be made using the thing you tagged it with, and I hope this can be used your secure key of your choice whatever it maybe, just brain dump

  1. python bluetooth libraries on windows are tough to work with eg. bluetool
  2. installing php using XAMPP on windows is the best way to setup LAMP stack on windows distribution, bitnami has modules for wordpress to help you better manage your website later
  3. adb or Android Debug Bridge can sometimes not work with windows for few reasons
    • driver of the Android device connected to the USB of the computer might be outdated
    • the adb service might need restart if the device is not detected
  4. need to find a way to change the font of the title bar menu of python tkinter
  5. also need to find libararies to make bluetooth and wifi communication possible on python

Day 8

June 18th 2020

  1. installing kivy is not so simple read documentation carefully for rpi and for windows

Day 9

June 22nd 2020

  1. had a curiosity about what does Whatsapp use for messaging and stumbled onto ejabberd.im its a server that does a lot of things and does one most important thing creates a XMPP server basically.
  2. Now, once you can make your own server and set it up wherever you want(do not use AWS omg i wasted 2 hours on it as it is so not easy and there is no simple tutorial on it as I was trying to install openfire which is a type of XMPP server and that is not the same as ejabberd UGGHHHH 😭😭😭) So I am still trying to use AWS till they don’t charge me anythin
  3. We also need a client to let anyone connec to the group on the XMPP server and chat! that is where this open source chat app conversatoins comes into picture
  4. Also installing wordpress on windows machine using XAMPP is not really easy if you haven’t done it before

Day 10

July 4th 2020

  1. learnt a cool thing that has to be shared somehow, somewhere LOL 😂🤣 CSS, HTML is fun when used with a right setup so here is how I think one should start with building their own basic web dev journey in CSS. Let me get right to what one can learn in 2020 July to make a page and share it accross the web easily.
    1. install node.js I am using windows 10 for this so try the same methods for Mac n Linux
    2. go to some new directory and install tailwind using npm npm install tailwind this will make our pages ready for sexy CSS
    3. now we need something to show our pages online i.e. serve them for other internet browsers for this we will use surge.sh just type in npm install --global surge and we are ready! (type surge to check if this is install is working or you can get some restricted something error, do not worry for windows just enter this command Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and we are READY FOR REAL~!!)
    4. in this step we create an index.html file in your directory or any HTML file you can copy a template from w3schools or type html and use HTML5 template from vscode save your file!
    5. here is the fun bit. Now that you have the basic HTML ready and want to test out how you want the page to look, find some free templates and copy them in your HTML file, dont forget to add <link href="https://unpkg.com/tailwindcss@^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> to make it look fantabulous!
    6. go to terminal and type surge and follow the video on this page surge.sh
    7. that is it! go to the link and check your page! you are free to share that link and showcase people

Day n

December 11, 2020

Another research blog quickly went down it might seem but I just didn’t find it worthwhile to push anything here but kept a small, cute .md file on my pc and used Microsoft VS Code to edit it. I will now try to look into them and try to distill it down to palpable bits for this page. For most of July went into fixing my laptop and getting it in working condition, this meant I had to give my laptop keyboard for now and I bought logitech wirless keyboard mouse, it drastically improved my flow I feel. In August, the first week, I made my very first python executable which did simple things and it was great. Here I jumbled my work todo list and this blog research into one, I should have avoided this and kept both seperate. Helped colleagues come to speed with my project from zero, I find that a great acheivement. Went ahead to work on website and app from here. Started looking for interns and got busy.

Its September by the time I am working on making documentation for working ahead on the products we had, more web work on php, python and qt, mails for getting more people to work with us, was getting better at communicating and delegating tasks.

Come October, spent time on html and JS. Tried to learn to use Dexijs but didn’t get it working. Spent some time offline and by end of October I was bored with where I was and stressed and confused.

I discontinued work and shifted focus on GATE for November. But it was a bad time to go back to studies now as I had momentum on programming, thus was unable to get back to maths and formualae. I got notes from my friend, used GATE lectures from youtube. It was December and I joined MADEEASY test series too. I also found myself increasingly thinking of the equity stock market, bonds, funds, money and general social media and world at large. All of which resulted in me being behind in studies and coming up with anything significant for this blog and here we are, recap over.

Day n

January updates

check here